
Dive Into A Brutally Thrilling FPS Experience in F.E.A.R. From The ’00s, Now Only $1.49!

When F.E.A.R. (First Encounter Assault Recon) first arrived in 2005, it shook up the industry with its unique blend of horror elements and its intense closed-quarter gunfight and got rave reviews from gamers and critics alike.

F.E.A.R. is a first-person shooter psychological horror video game series created by Craig Hubbard in 2005, which was released on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.

There are actually three main games in the series- F.E.A.R. (2005), F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin (2009), and F.E.A.R. 3 (2011). Also, there are two standalone expansion packs for the first game- F.E.A.R. Extraction Point (2006) and F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate (2007).

In F.E.A.R., set in a dystopian future, players assume the role of a special forces operative known as point man sent to investigate supernatural phenomena and paranormal activities that have plagued the city.

You get into this cat-and-mouse game with Paxton Fettel who is the psychic commander of the Replica soldiers created by the Armacham facility, where you’re trying to apprehend Paxton Fettel along with supernatural enemies and human enemies making your pursuit harder.

Its heart-pounding gameplay, clever enemy AI, and a storyline that keeps players on the edge of their seats. The game was a classic hit and has become a beloved classic in the gaming community and has left a lasting legacy within the genre.

The multiplayer mode is fast, gory, and fun on so many levels along with the main campaign. There are a few new maps, but the game modes are the same- the standard deathmatch, capture the flag, and elimination (along with each team’s variants). 

The other mode is unique to F.E.A.R. which allows the player to control the SlowMo by maintaining possession of a booster with the penalty of becoming highlighted on everyone else’s HUD.

F.E.A.R. also had two DLCs- Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate. Extraction Point continues the story after the original F.E.A.R. storyline where you still play as the point man but with new paranormal entities and a very gruesome ending with a dark twist.

Perseus Mandate is the second stand-alone expansion pack. The game follows the exploits of a secondary F.E.A.R. team that is sent in to investigate Armacham Technology Corporation’s Project Perseus and it takes place during the events of the original F.E.A.R.

The gameplay includes cooperative AI-controlled characters who fight alongside the Human player character. There is also a new faction of enemies called “Nightcrawlers”- highly-trained Sub-human Supersoldiers equipped with advanced weaponry and lightning speed

F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin developed by Monolith Productions, is the sequel to the original F.E.A.R. Set in a dystopian and war-torn city, you play as another member (Michael Beckett) of another military squad to apprehend a corporate. 

But things quickly go out of control as you’re fighting human enemies along with paranormal enemies and the occasional visions of psychic hallucinations and nightmares, and also a terrible conspiracy that keeps you glued to your seats at the end.

It also had a DLC ‘Reborn’, which was unique in its way, as you take on the role of a replica soldier who has visions about his psychic commander Paxton Fettel from the first installment. It has four new levels and a multiplayer mode.

F.E.A.R. 3 picks up right where F.E.A.R. 2 left off. This time, we join forces with the original F.E.A.R. protagonist, Point Man, and an extraordinary genetically engineered supersoldier.

After the events in F.E.A.R. 2, a catastrophic wave of paranormal activity in the city of Fairport, resembling something out of biblical proportions has been unleashed.

The protagonist from the previous games, Point Man, driven by his determination, embarks on a mission to aid his former squadmate who finds themselves caught amidst impossible odds. 

However, he isn’t alone on this treacherous journey. Accompanying him is none other than his brother, Paxton Fettel, a bloodthirsty and malevolent presence. Although Point Man seemingly ended Fettel’s life in F.E.A.R., their fate intertwines once again. The ending is an interesting one where you will have a good or a bad ending depending upon the choices you make.

Now, would you believe that all of this is 85% off on Steam until the 13th of July? You get the entire F.E.A.R. pack along with DLCs too now and that’s what is called a killer bargain and that too for a fitting game series such as this one.

So what are you waiting for? Head out to the Steam store and order the game, and relive the nostalgia or experience the nightmare once again.

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