If you are wondering to get an answer for the process of cryptocurrency transfer from Coinbase to Bittrex then this article will help you a lot in detail.
Is One Info enough:
I don’t think, hence Instead of giving you a one-step process of transferring only a single currency.
In this guide, we’ll help you to solve all the problems of transferring, Bitcoin, Ethereum, USD, Litecoin.
To learn more about the transfer process, it is quite better to first understand about CoinBase wallet and Bittrex trading platform.
If you will go through a complete article then you become confident enough for the transfer process between these two platforms.
Table of Contents
Why transfer from Coinbase to Bittrex
If anyone is new here and not know about both platforms than let me tell you why we need to transfer from Coinbase to Bittrex.
Coinbase is a wallet or small platform which is specially used to purchase any cryptocurrency or to make them use as your wallet.
If you have any coins that CoinBase support than you can use CoinBbase as your Crypto wallet where you can hold your currency.
But in the future, if you want to trade coin on a big platform like Bittrex then you required a transfer from CoinBase to Bittrex.
Yes, Bittrex is a very big trading platform and worldwide most famous platform where the number of currencies is listed to trade for.
So in order to trade your own currency, you required to move it out from Coinbase and to help you out we have written this detailed guide.
What is CoinBase and how it works?
In the 21st century, there is various form of currency and the most powerful and future is hidden with Digital currency.
If you are having Pound, USD then you look for a platform that could hold your currency and thing which comes first in your mind is Bank.
Which will act as your private wallet and you can access them from anywhere.
Similarly in the Digital currency world, we have blockchain-based currency call Crypto-Currency such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple and these are non-centralized currency.
Read – What is Bitcoin and how it generated
To hold Crypto-currency you require a wallet or bank and Coinbase is one of that platform.
In addition to this, you can also do trading using CoinBase but for limited currency.
Rather than a trading platform, I would suggest using this as a wallet only because there are around 2000+ cryptocurrency traded in the market and Coinbase is holding only a few of them.
If you are a new user then you can create a Coinbase Account and can start holding cryptocurrency in it. Do sign up here CoinBase
CoinBase has few currencies listed for trading and you can hold only that currency in their wallet.
The following table will help you to understand which currency supported in which country.
Note – Ripple is not supported by CoinBase
What is Bittrex and how it works?
Bittrex International is the largest and highly secure platform for cryptocurrency trading.
It is the first choice for all the traders to have an account with Bittrex and take advantage of each possible traded currency.
You could sign up for Bittrex by clicking here – Bittrex Home Page
Bittrex operates within the regulatory idea established by the European Union and Maltese Government and it supports the huge number of cryptocurrencies.
To learn more about the list of cryptocurrency supported by Bittrex click – Bittrex Listed Currency
I hope you get the better idea about Bittrex and CoinBase:
Let’s give you a brief overview of cryptocurrency.
What is CryptoCurrency
It is a digital form of currency, which runs on blockchain technology.
It is not like Centralised currency Dollar, pound, Euro which are controlled by any central authority such as Government or any financial body of Government.
Cryptocurrency is known as decentralized currency because no control from any central authority and this makes such currencies more volatile and less reliable.
As per listed cryptocurrency in coinmarketcap, there is approx 2000+ cryptocurrency currently traded in an active market.
Can you imagine these many:
Most Famous CryptoCurrency BTC vs XRP vs ETH
There are various currencies but the most famous and highly reliable currencies are.
- Bitcoin
- Ripple
- Ethereum
If you will ask me which one is better, then I would say in the strong fight of Bitcoin vs Ripple vs Ethereum.
Bitcoin (BTC) is an absolute winner, it is well known as Mother of cryptocurrency and almost every currency traded in Bitcoin only.
It is also known as bubble currency due to the huge change in price and it may awesome to know you that it already touched 19,000$/BTC in the year 2017.
Learn More About Bitcoin – Bitcoin generation and Overview
Ripple(XRP) is the largest in the number of currency circulated in the market and easy to mine hence its highest value on which it was traded around 3$/XRP in the year 2017.
Ethereum(ETH) is the second choice after bitcoin due to its robust architecture and smart contracts.
Due to the bubble nature of Bitcoin and the uncontrolled behavior of Bitcoin, few people use to prefer to invest in Ethereum for its slow and exponential progress.
Read – What is Ethererim and Future of Ethereum
Have you enjoyed:
Let’s discuss currency transfer from coinbase to Bittrex.
The FAQ for the number of issues is given at the end of the article do not forget to check out
Step by Step Transfer from Coinbase to Bittrex
The process for transferring any cryptocurrency starting from finding an address will remain the same.
In a bank, you have an account number in a similar way for every trading platform or wallet you will have a unique identity for each cryptocurrency and that is call coin address.
There are two Possible transactions.
Deposit Process
It requires a deposit address for that currency, this address will be given to the sender to send the coin to your wallet.
Basically, this is the incoming coin address for that specific platform.
In case of transfer of currency from coinbase to Bittrex, then from coinbase wallet, you have to send currency to the Bittrex deposit address.
Withdrawal Process
If you want to send any currency to other platforms then you require the deposit address of the receiver and send currency by simply sending it to the receiver address.
Bittrex Steps By Step
Below Steps will tell you the process on how to transfer Bitcoin from Coinbase to Bittrex.
For other currencies and to other trading platforms transfer process will remain the same such as Binance, Cryptopia.
- Login to Bittrex Account and it will navigate to the dashboard.
- Click to Wallet option visible on the top right-hand side.
- A full list of currency will be displayed there, search for a specific currency. You can use currency name as well as Bitcoin (BTC), Ripple (XRP), Ethereum(ETH), Litecoin(LTC), etc.
- Let me tell you the process for BTC, so I have entered BTC in the search window, it will remain the same as other currency.
- On the left-hand side of the currency name, two options will be visible one for withdrawal and another with deposit. In this case, we want to transfer from coinbase to Bittrex, hence we need the Bittrex Deposit wallet address.
- Click to Rounded the first option and a new window will popup to generate the address.
- Click to New Address and a deposit address will be generated.
Address Sample:
- Now you are with Bitcoin deposit address same you can generate Ripple, Ethereum and other currency
You can close the Bittrex Window and let’s head over to Coinbase, by assuming you are ready with the Bitcoin address generated by Bittrex.
CoinBase Steps By Step
- Login to CoinBase accounts with valid credentials.
- Click to Account option visible on the dashboard
- List of currency will be displayed there so from there search for your currency, in this case, will click to Bitcoin Send Option. Currently, Option is disabled due to insufficient funds.
- If Your transfer currency is not available then click to create Vault and ad currency in the list.
- After clicking to the send button a new window will open which will ask you to provide the recipient address there you have to provide the Bittrex BTC deposit address.
- Provide the amount of Coin you want to transfer and in total with transaction fee will show you the total amount deducted from your Coinbase wallet.
Boom! You are done, the process will be similar to other currency just address will get change.
Summary and Opinion on Transfer of Cryptocurrencies
It is always a tricky job to find out the right way on how to send bitcoin from Coinbase to Bittrex or any other wallet or trading platform.
Which wallet is best to hold your cryptocurrency is another big question and you should make sure to choose the right wallet because the transaction fee always matters.
People do a lot of mistakes while choosing a trading platform or wallet and in the end, they lost a huge amount of money while doing transactions.
If you are an existing user and willing to switch or diversify your coinbase cryptocurrencies then here is the top 7 best choice for CoinBase alternatives.
There is a free way to earn Litecoin, Bitcoin and a lot more. To learn all those Reads below articles
Read –Free Bitcoin Maker moonlitecoin Free faucet
Now all your possible queries with transaction time, fee and lot more are given below.
1 – How long does it take to transfer currency from Coinbase to Bittrex?
Ans– It depends on the type of cryptocurrency if you are doing the transfer for BTC will take in between 15 minutes to 1.5 hours and if doing Ethereum will take less based on transaction confirmation check.
2- How much does a coinbase charge for a transaction?
Ans – It varies in between 0.99$-2.99$, depends on the total amount of transaction, to know more click here
3 – Is ripple registered with coinbase?
Ans – No
4- How to buy Electronium with coinbase?
Ans- Electronium is not registered with coinbase.
5- How to send bitcoin from Bittrex?
Ans- Process will be similar as coinbase except recipient address will be any other platform then Bittrex and bitcoin should be sent from the Bittrex Withdrawal option.
6 – How to Transfer Ethereum from Coinbase to Bittrex?
Ans- Process will remain the same as Bitcoin, except Bitcoin Deposit address you have to provide Ethereum Deposit address taken from Bittrex.